Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where can i find pics of choppy layered hair cuts?!?

okay...well i have some emo like side bangs but a bit shorter.

but i would like to have some choppy layers!

i have long layers right now becuz my mom didn't want me cutting them to short but i am going to do it anyway! XD

but yea if u could possibly give me some pics or websites with choppy layered hair that would be GREAT!

p.s. i am getting my hair done in like 3 days!

[it is for skool i wanted some different than everybody else at my skool]


Where can i find pics of choppy layered hair cuts?!?

LOTS of what you want sure to go all the way back to the beginning as there are lots of what you want all the way thru...

+ you can make requests.

+ you can print them out and take to your stylist

+ 5 new photos are added every day

Where can i find pics of choppy layered hair cuts?!?

If you go to any old grocery store and grab that magazine, Short Hairstyles or something like that, they always have cute ideas in there!

Where can i find pics of choppy layered hair cuts?!?

I just went to, clicked on the image search, and typed " choppy layered haircuts) and there were a ton of really cute ones.

here's the link;q=...

good luck.

Where can i find pics of choppy layered hair cuts?!?

I was looking for somthing choppy medium hair cut . i looked for dayzzz. Eventually i got tired and put on my favorite show and saw exactly what i wanted.

Elliot Reid (sara chalke) on Scrubs of season 3.

(sorry the pics are kinda bad.)

And this girl too...

i hope it helps.

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